World No-Tobacco Day observed today
Health 10:27
New Delhi, May 31: World Health Organisation (WHO) has earmarked 31st May as 'World No Tobacco Day', to make people aware about the risks associated with tobacco usage and reduce its consumption.
Tobacco consumption in the form of gutkas and cigarettes is causing irreparable damage to our society and economy.
The theme of this year's 'World No Tobacco Day' is "Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship."
The ban on any form of promotion of tobacco usage can reduce incidence of diseases associated with tobacco usage significantly.
Tobacco is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally. The impact of tobacco usage depends on the number of years the person is addicted to tobacco and intensity of usage.
People who are addicted to tobacco consumption at an early age have higher tar formation that increases the risk of diseases such as heart attack and oral cancer.
Cigarette smoke contains several Carcinogenic products. There are roughly 45 Carcinogens in cigarette smoke. However, cessation of smoking can repair the damage gradually.
The primary risk of tobacco usage includes many forms of cancers like Cancer of larynx, head and neck, breast cancer, bladder cancer , oesophagus and pancreas cancer, cervical cancer in women etc.
Long term smoking is responsible for pulmonary damage leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) including emphycema and chronic bronchitis.
Smoking also increases the chances of heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease besides increasing blood cholesterol level leading to atherosclerosis.
Smokers are also at an increased risk of chronic kidney disease, influenza, periodontitis, gingival recession and white mucosal lesions.
Tobacco is linked to susceptibility of infectious diseases like tuberculosis. Incidence of Impotence is 85% higher in male smokers than non smokers.
Smoking is harmful to ovaries causing female infertility and tobacco use is a significant factor for miscarriages among pregnant smokers.
Smoking can also cause psychological issues such as mood disorder etc. Usage of tobacco can create cognitive dysfunction.
Nearly 2.4 crorepeople of Andhra Pradesh are using tobacco as per the data released by MoHFW and WHO last year. 80 lakhs of people in Andhra Pradesh will die prematurely through 27 different tobacco related lethal diseases.
Peer pressure and perception are key factors that has resulted in youmger lot to light up a cigarette at least once before aged 10, as per survey.
All over the world various campaigns have been launched coinciding with the anti-tobacco day to educate the public about the dreadful impacts of smoking habit and resultant diseases.
Different activities are arranged in public places to make awareness and leaflets on how to quit smoking will be distributed by the participants when customers ask for tobacco products.

The theme of this year's 'World No Tobacco Day' is "Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship."
The ban on any form of promotion of tobacco usage can reduce incidence of diseases associated with tobacco usage significantly.
Tobacco is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally. The impact of tobacco usage depends on the number of years the person is addicted to tobacco and intensity of usage.
People who are addicted to tobacco consumption at an early age have higher tar formation that increases the risk of diseases such as heart attack and oral cancer.
Cigarette smoke contains several Carcinogenic products. There are roughly 45 Carcinogens in cigarette smoke. However, cessation of smoking can repair the damage gradually.
The primary risk of tobacco usage includes many forms of cancers like Cancer of larynx, head and neck, breast cancer, bladder cancer , oesophagus and pancreas cancer, cervical cancer in women etc.
Long term smoking is responsible for pulmonary damage leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) including emphycema and chronic bronchitis.
Smoking also increases the chances of heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease besides increasing blood cholesterol level leading to atherosclerosis.
Smokers are also at an increased risk of chronic kidney disease, influenza, periodontitis, gingival recession and white mucosal lesions.
Tobacco is linked to susceptibility of infectious diseases like tuberculosis. Incidence of Impotence is 85% higher in male smokers than non smokers.
Smoking is harmful to ovaries causing female infertility and tobacco use is a significant factor for miscarriages among pregnant smokers.
Smoking can also cause psychological issues such as mood disorder etc. Usage of tobacco can create cognitive dysfunction.
Nearly 2.4 crorepeople of Andhra Pradesh are using tobacco as per the data released by MoHFW and WHO last year. 80 lakhs of people in Andhra Pradesh will die prematurely through 27 different tobacco related lethal diseases.
Peer pressure and perception are key factors that has resulted in youmger lot to light up a cigarette at least once before aged 10, as per survey.
All over the world various campaigns have been launched coinciding with the anti-tobacco day to educate the public about the dreadful impacts of smoking habit and resultant diseases.
Different activities are arranged in public places to make awareness and leaflets on how to quit smoking will be distributed by the participants when customers ask for tobacco products.