Agitating student body locks up edu (U) Directorate
feature, Headlines, State 10:18

The union had been on agitation mode owing to the failure of the government to look into its demands for proper facilities in the colleges of the state.
Volunteers of the union numbering around 50 arrived at the Directorate office holding placards from Tamphasana Girls’ Higher Secondary School side this afternoon and started to herd together the officials and other staffs outside before locking up the directorate in evening of Wednesday
Speaking to the media, O Premjit Convenor of the co-ordination student union said that the committee has been demanding for the proper infrastructure and the appointment of a regular principal of some colleges from the year 2009 and submitted memorandum to the state minister regarding their 8 point of demands but till today, the state government had not given any positive response.
The union supported by other separate college students unions had also declared earlier that it will boycott the BA, B SC and BCom semester examinations conducted by the Manipur University.
The demands of the agitating students include appointment of Principals in colleges on regular basis, filling up the vacant post of Director of Higher Education that has been lying vacant since 1986, improvement of toilet facilities in the colleges, improvement of the ill-equiped laboratories, procuring books for the libraries and improvement of human resource infrastructure of both the government and the government aided colleges by creating more teaching posts in proportionate to the strength of the student and a Common Admission Test to rationalise the admission procedure to the colleges of the state among others.
Meanwhile, the union called a press conference at it office inside the GP Women’s college declaring that it will continue with its resolution to boycott the BA, B Sc and B Com examinations conducted by the Manipur University and in case the government fail to take proper action even then, than the union will continue with stronger agitations.