Special anti-Naxal force for Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, C'hatisgarh
Headlines 03:55
New Delhi, April 1: Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh, hit by Maoist movement, will raise specialised forces trained in guerrilla warfare on the lines of the 'Greyhounds', a special police unit in Andhra Pradesh.
The Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs today approved the Home Ministry's proposal under which the special forces will come up in Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha and funds will be given to create and upgrade infrastructure, weaponry and equipment to combat the Naxal problem.
Andhra Pradesh will also be given fund to upgrade its infrastructure and stregthen the 'Greyhounds' force.
The proposed outlay during the 12th Plan in this regard is Rs 373 crore, of which the central government will give Rs 280 crore (75 per cent of the total outlay) and Rs 93 crore by the state governments (25 per cent), the Union Home Ministry said in its proposal.
The funding, that is expected to beef up the police forces of these states, will be done under the Home Ministry-sponsored Scheme for Special Infrastructure (SIS).
The Home Ministry said the step to adopt a new strategy is being taken in the background of success achieved by the Greyhounds in Andhra Pradesh in combating Left Wing Extremism.
The Ministry has, however, put certain riders on the release of funds to the states.
"The Special Force of the state concerned has to be upgraded as per the approved guidelines of Greyhounds. Even if a Special Force has been raised in some form in the state concerned, they are required to be reoriented through the entire process mentioned in the guidelines. The state will strictly adhere to these guidelines," the Home Ministry said.