Sadar Hills chiefs demand cancellation of govt order on MGNREGS
Headlines 03:45
IMPHAL, January 29 : An executive body members of the Sadar Hills Chiefs Association (SAHILCA) seriously deliberated on the 'new developments' vis-a-vis guidelines on the MGNREGS, taking serious note of the order/guidelines issued by the state government for involvement of the Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) and other line departments in the implementation system of MGNREGS.
As per the order/guidelines issued by the state Government, 25% MGNREGS funds have been given to the ADCs and another 25% to other line departments.
The order/guidelines of the state Government is in total contravention of the MGNREGS guidelines issued by the central Government. It may be noted that a state Government cannot change or alter the guidelines issued by a Union Ministry. "Therefore, in view of the stated facts and circumstances, the executive meeting of SAHILCA took the resolutions that the state government should cancel its order immediately.
The MGNREGS guidelines issued by the Central Government should be followed as it is without any alteration, SAHILCA added.
Another resolution said the state government should compensate the job card holders for delaying the payment till date in accordance with the MGNREGS guidelines.
"If these resolutions/demands are not fulfilled within February 3 the chiefs of Sadar Hills shall be compelled to launch intense agitations from the flowing days, for which the state government shall be held responsible for any untoward incidents," one resolution of SAHILCA said.
As per the order/guidelines issued by the state Government, 25% MGNREGS funds have been given to the ADCs and another 25% to other line departments.
The order/guidelines of the state Government is in total contravention of the MGNREGS guidelines issued by the central Government. It may be noted that a state Government cannot change or alter the guidelines issued by a Union Ministry. "Therefore, in view of the stated facts and circumstances, the executive meeting of SAHILCA took the resolutions that the state government should cancel its order immediately.
The MGNREGS guidelines issued by the Central Government should be followed as it is without any alteration, SAHILCA added.
Another resolution said the state government should compensate the job card holders for delaying the payment till date in accordance with the MGNREGS guidelines.
"If these resolutions/demands are not fulfilled within February 3 the chiefs of Sadar Hills shall be compelled to launch intense agitations from the flowing days, for which the state government shall be held responsible for any untoward incidents," one resolution of SAHILCA said.