BT road encounter case: Sanjit’s mother appeals for speedy trial

IMPHAL, July 12: The mother of Sanjit who was killed in an alleged ‘fake encounter’ by Manipur police commandos on July 23, 2008 at Khwairamband Keithel, has appealed the court for speedy trial to deliver justice by awarding befitting punishment to the guilty persons.

Chungkham Sanjit Singh, son of Chungkham Khelen Singh of Khurai Kongpal Sanjot Leikai in Imphal East district was 21 when the incident happened.

Late Sanjit’s mother Chungkham (O) Inaotombi Devi speaking to this IFP reporter said that Sanjit was the eldest among her four sons.

On that fateful day, Sanjit left home to buy medicine for his father’s elder brother, Chungkham Ibohal Singh (60) who was sick, she said.

He was killed in a “fake encounter” by taking him inside a shop by the police commandos, she alleged.

The case which was registered in regard to the incident by the police has been handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the trial for the case is still going on, she said.

“It’s been now five years since the case is under trial at the court and I am very disappointed by it,” she said.

“As the trial for the case is taking a long time, we are facing a lot of inconveniences with the frequent appearances before the court. We have to go work for our living and it is really disturbing. The last time we appeared before the court was on June 24, 2013,” she said.

In regard to the case, even Sanjit’s sick and old aged father’s elder brother Ch Ibohal Singh had to appear before the court, she said.

Ibohal’s wife Kunjarani Devi and daughter Anandi Devi also had to appear before the court to record their statements, she continued.

She said that people she had met at the court in regard to the case had informed her that only four or five persons are left whose statement needs to be recorded.

They further informed her that the statements of the forensic experts of the Forensic Science Medicine Department, RIMS who conducted the post mortem examination of Sanjit’s dead body have also been recorded.

The court has also recorded the statement of a watchmaker from Kakwa who works at a watch repairing shop at the place where the incident happened, she said.

Furthermore, the statement of a policeman who claimed that a bullet pierced through one his ears during the course of the incident was also recorded, she said they informed.      

However, Sanjit’s mother expressed her unhappiness saying that it’s been 5 years now since the case started at the court and also appealed the court for a speedy trail to award befitting punishment to the guilty at the earliest.   

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Courtesy:ISTV Imphal


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