US welcomes efforts by China, Russia in N Korea crisis
China, N Korea crisis, Russia, World 03:58

"We welcome efforts by Beijing and Moscow to encourage Pyongyang to refrain from provocative rhetoric and threats," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters.
"We will continue to work with our Chinese, Russian and other partners to get North Korea to abide by its international obligations," he said in response to a question.
The Obama Administration, he said, has been working with the Chinese and the Russians and encouraging those nations and those governments to use their influence with the North Koreans to persuade them to cease these provocative actions and this provocative rhetoric, because stability in the region is obviously in the interests of every country in the region.
Any future nuclear test or missile launch would be in direct violation of UN Security Council resolutions, and would lead to further pressure and isolation, State Department spokesperson Patrick Ventrell said at another news conference.
"So, we would strongly discourage against that course of action," he added.
Carney said the US has been taking prudent measures in response to the increased provocative behavior and rhetoric emanating from Pyongyang.
"That is a matter of concern and it is something that we obviously are in regular consultation about with our allies in Seoul and Tokyo, as well as with our partners around the region and the world," he said.
The US is asking China and Russia to use their influence with the North Koreans to persuade them to cease this kind of provocative behavior, Carney said.
"Having said that, I think it's important to note, as veterans of this issue from past administrations have made clear, that this is a pattern of behavior we have seen before," he said.
"It has never achieved anything substantial for the North Korean people, who continue to suffer from the decisions made by the regime, to pursue a path that is in direction contradiction with their international obligations and that comes at the expense of the health and welfare of the North Korean people," Carney said.
Responding to questions, Ventrell said the Chinese have been very helpful and cooperative with the US and the Security Council in terms of the resolution and follow on sanctions.
"We are working constructively and collaboratively with the Chinese. We're encouraged by it, and the Secretary (of State) will continue his discussions directly with them," he said.
The US, Ventrell said, is encouraged by the Chinese effort to make their case to Pyongyang that they have to refrain from provocative rhetoric and threats.
"So we'll continue to work with the Chinese. We'll continue with the Russians and other partners to get North Korea to abide by its obligations," he said.