Grenade lobbed at IFCD Minister's quarter

IMPHAL, April 26: Unidentified persons suspected to be underground cadres lobbed a hand grenade at the residential quarter of Irrigation and Flood Minister Ngamthang Haokip who also holds the portfolio of Printing and Stationery Control at Sajengthong Chasad avenue under Porompat police station in Imphal East district today at around 6.40 pm.

Police bomb disposal team arrived at the scene and safely detonated the said bomb.

According to the police personnel who were posted as the home guard of the Minister, the incident happened at around 6.40 pm when they heard a sound of something falling inside the complex of the quarter following which a search was undertaken and a hand grenade was found.

The home guard also disclosed that he saw two unidentified persons moving toward the main road. The lever/pin of the bomb was found some few meters away at the neighboring gate of  Minister Seityajit which is currently under construction.

Angam Romanus, Superintendent of police Imphal East and commando Imphal East Officer in charge of Imphal East, Achouba arrived at the scene following the incident.

Speaking to the media, Ngamthang Haokip said that the incident is very unfortunate and said that such incidences happening in a highly secure zone in the heart of the city where the high levels officers are staying is an indication of security lapses.

When asked by the media whether there has been any threat or demand by any underground groups on him, the Minister answered that he had received some threat from some underground organization.

He also said that is it very unfortunate that the official quarters of Ministers and sitting MLAs are still occupied by some former MLA and Ministers leading to current Ministers and MLAs not getting their quarters at Babupara which is in a more secure zone.

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