Govt set on tough stand against PDS scheme mis-use

IMPHAL, September 4: Taking strong exception on the impending implementation of National Food Security Scheme in Manipur, the state cabinet on Tuesday has resolved to initiate tough action against individuals who are involved in misusing the PDS items.

The cabinet meeting was convened on Tuesday after around 3 pm and was chaired by Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh.Briefing media persons in this connection, the Government’s spokesperson M Okendro revealed that the resolution was adopted after a deliberate discussion as a part of the discussion on the agenda of “Amendment to Manipur Trade Articles (Licensing and Control) Orders, 1986.

He further informed that irrespective of the status, any individuals involved in misusing the PDS schemes meant for the people will be viable of punishment under an act.

Even as the Essential Commodities Act has a provision that can account for action against anyone involved in such irregularities, the main objective of cabinet resorting to such decision is to toughen the existing act. Under the Essential Commodities Act an individual found guilty is punishable with maximum term of 7 months in jail with fine, further elaborated Okendro.

The spokesperson further informed that the cabinet meet also agreed to regularised 288 adhoc teachers under the Education Department of Manipur. However, to do so a strict screening is required to determine the precise number of teachers, he continued.

The cabinet meet also reportedly gave green signal for the recruiting required posts like SO and Grade-I in major engineering department including Works, IFCD, PHED and Minor Irrigation Department, under the MPSC.

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