Film artiste and singer discounts rumor over his own death

IMPHAL, September 5: In a strange play out of real versus reel life, popular digital film actor and singer Hamon Sadananda came before the media to discount rumors of his death.

Addressing a Press Conference held at the Manipur Press club today which was also attended by the All Manipur Matam Eishe Kanlup President Netachandra, Film Forum Manipur chairmen L Surajakanta, film actor Gukul and Film actor Guild Chairman Loken; the actor and singer said that he had been needlessly targetted by rumor mongers.

Speaking at the press conference Film Forum chairman L Surjakanta said that for the past few 10 to 15 days,  a rumor circulated that Sadananda had committed suicide by consuming poison after his wife left him.

"This is not the first of it kind since rumors fly thick over the lives of film stars and other artistes in the state but those that touch upon the personal details of artistes can be mentally tough on family members," Surjakanta said.

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