Family claims van driver’s body, JAC’s indefinite bandh ineffective

IMPHAL, August 24: Following a deadline of the state authorities that the dead body of van driver O Gyanendro will be disposed off unless family members claimed the body, the JAC and family members of the van driver today claimed the dead body from the RIMS mortuary after the conduct of post mortem with full video coverage in the presence of a Magistrate.

The dead body of the van driver who was found inside his van on August 18 was taken back to his native place at Singjamei Okram Leikai by a procession of vehicles of the Indo-Burma Road Van Association and other vehicle associations.

Fellow van drivers and members of the Indo Burma Road Association offered floral tributes to the body of the deceased at the Moreh parking at Heicham Yaicham Pat.

The dead body was consigned to flames according to religious rituals this afternoon.

Meanwhile, the JAC called state-wide indefinite bandh continued today, though it failed to make much impact on the day to day life in the state.

Most shops in the bazar area remained opened and vehicular traffic was normal in almost all parts of the state capital inspite of the bandh.

Meanwhile, the JAC Imphal Moreh Road Transporters in a press release has said that following a resolution brought between the JAC Imphal Moreh Road Transporters Association and the All Manipur Road Transporter Drivers & Motor Workers Union, it has been decided to defer the cease steering wheel agitation for some time.

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