Government provides relief material to Silent villagers

IMPHAL, May 4: Relief material are being provided to the victims of Silent village whose houses were burnt down yesterday by the villagers of Saijang Village due to a land dispute of the area.  Parliamantary Secretary Victor Keishing (Tribal affairs and hills Manipur), MLA Saikul AC Yamthang Haopkip and DC Senapati Pradeep Kumar Jha led the relief material distribution.

The relief materials provided from the side of the state government by the Parliamentary secretary Victor Keishing (tribal affair and hills Manipur) and Yamthang Haopkip MLA of Saikhul AC included five bundles of CI sheets  each to every household, rice, dal and cloths.

DC Senapati Pradeep kumar Jha gave rupees 10 thousand each and blankets to every household and some eatable items to the family members affected in the incident yesterday.    

Victor Keishing said that yesterday's incident in which 36 houses  were burnt down  is very unfortunate  and expressed hope that such type of incident will not happen again in the future. He further appealed,  " We all should try to avoid such things in the times to come. Whatever needs to done by the state government to bring peaceful coexistence of the two villages will be taken up," he said, adding that the state Chief minister had expressed serious concern regarding the incident.

Yamthang Haokip said that the government is concerned about the security measures which need to be taken up in the area and added that state government will try to enforce one IRB post in the nearby area.

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