CCpur comes out strongly against trouble makers

IMPHAL, May 8: The Kuki Innpi and Kuki Students’ Organization, Churachandpur have jointly condemned the activities of miscreants who have been spreading hand written pamphlets against a certain community in areas of the Churchandpur town. The pamphlets are suggestive of creating trouble within the district and aimed at disturbing the congenial atmosphere between the ethnic communities residing within the district, mentioned Kuki Innpi secretary, Daniel Gangtae during a press meet held at the headquarters of the organization at Tuibong today afternoon.

The meet was held jointly with the Meitei Society of Churachandpur to reaffirm the goodwill among the communities and further to seek out those responsible miscreants at the soonest.

The meet highlighted the nefarious attempt as “Scribbling done by a child with sinister designs”. It may be mentioned that the ‘threatening’ pamphlets found at New Lamka parking were written on scraps of paper with marker pens without any credentials.

Meanwhile, the arson attempt yesterday at Khelemba eatery located at the same parking is also being investigated by the police.

“Some miscreants are creating undue tension. There is nothing factual about the pamphlets and luckily the organizations are mature enough to understand that,” H Haokip, SP of Churachandpur told reporters.

He assured that security vigil has been tightened around the town and investigations are underway to nab the culprits concerned.

The press briefing by Kuki Innpi and KSO with presidents Totong Haokip and Paokai Haokip respectively mentioned that the incidents are being condemned in the strongest term as it is being done with the intent of tarnishing the image of peace loving Kukis.

“The Kukis and Meities have been living together peacefully since time immemorial, we will not let the culprits go freely,” the representatives reaffirmed.

They also appealed to the public not to panic and refrain from spreading rumors.

Our CCpur Correspondent adds: Speaking to media persons, MSC, advisor Rajen said the incident was unfortunate and should be condemned by all as it defeats the very spirit of a peaceful town like Lamka where different communities have been living peacefully since time immemorial.

He continued the act was that of a coward.

Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning that the shops in almost all areas of the district remained open today post the incident.

Meanwhile in separate press notes, the  Zomi Student Federation(ZSF) general headquarter and the Zomi Council (ZC)which is the apex body of nine different tribe councils in Churachandpur have condemned the incident of the past days.

The ZC note said that they are aghast at the distribution of the pamphlet on May 7 by unknown miscreants which had a provocative communal hatred tone.

It said the act is a sinister act to pitch one community against other and as such appealed to all to co-exist peacefully in CCpur and also to remain calm.

The ZC note put in to record that they are believer in the peaceful co-existence of all community in CCpur and will spare no effort in bringing about peace and harmony and added that this campaign is medievalist in nature.

It further appealed to the general public to remain vigilant against such motivated acts that can disturb peace and harmony and also appealed to maintain peace at all costs. The ZSF also demanded that the authority concerned book the culprit at the earliest.

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